We had a beautiful Sunday.  There was a baby dedication, a good sermon on the Holy Spirit, and then a church picnic.  The weather was wonderful!  Abby fell asleep smiling at grandpa in her stroller.  We had good fellowship, we drank and feasted both spiritually and physically – who could ask for anything more?



My red geraniums are beginning to blossom and the Clematis is so big that it has wrapped itself around the Smoke bush.  Shasta Daisies and  yet another mystery bush are in bloom. Sonny’s garden is doing well. (Note the pepper below) He planted three colors of peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, green beans and yellow squash and cabbage.


We had out first Needlework Ladies Meeting last Wed. night and there were seven of us.  We hope to do some charity quilts and afghans for the local hospitals here in Cleveland.  Project Linus has a drop off place right here locally.  It is nice because they have certain patterns that we can follow and it avoids anyone feeling bad because the quilts would all be the same patterns.  We will miss Melinda who will be moving to Texas before out next meeting.